Mind Fit Programmes – unlocking performance
These range from giving an insight into the unique Mind Fit approach through to supporting organisations over a 90 day period or beyond to tackle issues that impede performance or to focus on business development.
Our programme range includes Mind Fit: for Success; to Perform; to Lead; for Teams; for Growth; for Change; for Innovation; for Sales; for Customer Services; Thrive on stress; for Social Media; for Relationships; to Plan; to Manage Time; for Emotional Intelligence; to Engage; to Coach; to Reduce Social Anxiety.
Mind Fit programmes are supported by:
- Consultation with senior staff to ascertain business issues and needs
- Identification of desired Mind Fit characteristics for your business making the process unique to you
- Psychometric test taken before and after an intervention to show attitude and behavioural change.
- Identification of business measures to be monitored throughout the programme to demonstrate increase in productivity and meaningful ROI
Mind Fit Programmes
Mind Fit ABC Workshops – Accelerated Behavioural Change
You will identify those areas that are impeding yours or your peoples’ performance potential and where you can add value.
- Short focused 2 or 3 hour workshops on your specific issues where you will discover the unique Mind Fit process – natural learning and using the whole brain – that makes us different. These accelerated programmes explain ‘what’ we do, ‘why’ we do it differently and introduce you to ‘how‘ we do it. We also demonstrate the links to increasing performance, productivity and profitability.
- Extra benefit is the ongoing support to ensure the process works for your business.
- Ideal for the businesses that have small teams with limited availability for team time.
Bespoke Mind Fit business focused Workshops
ROI you will gain 1 to 2hr extra per day
- Bespoke workshops to individuals and organisations that ensure changes in attitude and behaviours. The tangible results from these workshops provide a meaningful return-on-investment. The length of the programme will vary following consultation from one to two days depending on your needs.
- Very popular with most companies.
- Extra benefit is the ongoing support to ensure the process works for your business.
Mind Fit Interim Programme
ROI expected a ten fold increase on your investment per person
- Two days immersed in the Mind Fit Learned Powerfulness® process learning and using ‘How to’ tools that change attitudes and behaviours and deliver tangible results. In addition you receive: one-to-one discussions with the programme leaders about your own situation, support linked to delivering results, advice on how to measure change.
- Ongoing short term mentoring is included and an optional long term programme for a sustainable improvement in performance.
- This programme is aimed at individuals seeking personal improvement and middle managers/leaders responsible for delivering at the frontline of the business.
Mind Fit Advanced Programme
ROI expected – invaluable life and business changing
- Pre-course questionnaires and consultation, three days experiencing the Mind Fit Learned Powerfulness® process; learning and using ‘How to’ tools that change attitudes and behaviours; In addition you will receive input on the science which underpins the process, one-to-one discussions with the programme leaders about your own situation; on-going email and telephone support.
- Aimed at senior people who have to take both a strategic and tactical approach. It is also available to individuals who want an in-depth understanding of how to develop