Why Mind Fit?
How many people actually change their attitudes and behaviours and deliver the desired results following training?
Research by George Alliger and Elizabeth Janak (1989) found that the correlation between training and change in the workplace to be poor – The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) in 2007 state it is “….no better than random chance”.
People return to work after the training and soon fall back into their old mindset and habits. The training even though of great quality, invariably results as a waste of time, effort and money.
It doesn’t have to be that way. Mind Fit is the prequel to training.
Change a person’s mindset first and they will respond positively. The evidence is overwhelming – Mind Fit people take action, achieve higher performance, are more productive and where relevant, more profitable.
Mind Fit programmes invest in people, they create added value to your business, and new value is discovered.
The Mind Fit approach for change is surprisingly simple and it is very practical. It provides people with the ‘KNOW HOW’ to increase their Mind Fitness and that of others . It is an actions based process to improve performance in the workplace. And Mind Fit people make great leaders.
The Mind Fit process was developed over 14 years and is still evolving. Our programmes are full of the latest insights from neuroscience and neuroplasticity but presented without theories. The logic behind the process is simple. You cannot build a house without foundations; neither can you expect a person to perform or lead to their best without being Mind Fit.
So get Mind Fit first, otherwise, any intervention to develop people will not be sustainable. The evidence for this can be found in any organisation following educational training.
Why do we need to change mindsets?
The fact that stress at work, lack of engagement, conflict, grievances and underperformance are routinely reported as major issues by professional bodies such as the Health and Safety Executive, The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) and the Chartered Management Institute (CMI) confirms this. Other professional bodies from around the world continually report on these subjects and provide new insights on how to tackle them, yet the problems still persist. Academic researchers looking at engagement and disengagement, such as W. A. Kahn (1990), J. A. Haudan and D MacLean (2002) and W. H. Macey and B Schneider (2008) are part of major effort to understand and discover solutions. However, the problems still exist.
The Mind Fit process is scientifically sound, business focused, practical and sustainable.
The Mind Fit approach works, is common sense, but not common practice.