Board Announcement – New Joint Venture Agreement Mind Fit and SSI – NeuroTracker

Mind Fit Ltd - Developing 'can do' people.

New Joint Venture Agreement

Mind Fit and SSI – NeuroTracker

Mind Fit Ltd announces a Joint Venture agreement with Sports Science Innovations Ltd (SSI) to promote NeuroTracker into the UK market.

The integration of these two technologies provides a very powerful solution to present day training demands in business, sports and education.

What is NeuroTracker?

Put simply it trains your brain to improve on quicker response, focus, attention and awareness.
It is an innovative perceptual cognitive enhancement training system developed by world renowned Neurophysicist Professor Jocelyn Faubert at the University of Montreal. Originally designed to improve those suffering from ADHD and Alzheimers, it now has a wide range of clients from business, professional sports, medical rehab (injuries, concussion, healthy aging), schools, learning centres, universities, hospitals and even the US Armed Forces.
Mind Fit and SSI –- NeuroTrackerThe brain is very malleable and this is known as “Neuroplasticity” (the ability of the brain to adapt to new demands). Neuroplasticity exists throughout the general population and is present in the young and old. NeuroTracker uses unique Neuro-physics methodology to train perceptual-cognitive processes in order to;
• Enhance Focus
• Enhance Attention and Awareness
• Boost decision-making under pressure

Through instant-feedback training and induced Neuroplasticity that NeuroTracker creates within its programs, individuals will be aware of and improve their sustained attention, avoiding lapses and distractions. This will have a direct effect on everyday function, driving business, sports or any other performance.

Graham Williams, Architect and Development Director of Mind Fit said “NeuroTracker is a simple to use product that raises people’s awareness. As any good coach will tell you, raising awareness is a key factor to improving performance and is the basis of Mind Fit’s feedback loop – awareness, control, focus and feedback. The evidence, research and the versatility of NeuroTracker means people anywhere in business, sports and education can all benefit through regular use. It is a great product and provides a compelling combined offer for our customers with a meaningful ROI.”

What the Sports Experts say:
“I think NeuroTracker is a genuine breakthrough. It’s a proven science technology that trains fundamental mental skills with rapid gains, and the results unlock a wealth of new performance data.” Leonard Zaichkowsky, Ph.D. Director of Sports Science, Vancouver Canucks, Canada
“The players felt the impact of training NeuroTracker on their overall performance…an improvement in their concentration, their sensitivity to information in their peripheral vision, and for increased reactivity.” French Federation of Rugby / Stade Toulousain, France
“NeuroTracker led to an improvement in most visual skills, as well as some transference to sports performance, we believe that the training of perceptual-cognitive skills can enhance athletic performance.” The Car Olympic Training Centre Barcelona, Spain
“I have observed elite performers embrace NeuroTracker and experience incomparable improvement in their situational awareness during competition. I believe it provides a training stimulus akin to players being ‘in the zone’. A programme capable of improving any individual’s awareness, cognition, focus, concentration and performance is immediately worthy of anyone’s attention” Peter Friar MSc MCSP, BSc (Hons), HPC, Sports Performance Specialist. UK

Who is using it?

Used by the likes of Manchester United FC, Southampton FC, West Ham FC, Leicester Tigers RUFC in the Sports arena, Anna Freud Centre dealing with ADHD and Anti Social Behaviour, Golden Care in community care projects. Other organisations will soon find out how NeuroTracker can benefit their operation by helping people improve performance.

Tony Tracey MD of SSI said “We’re delighted to be working with Mind Fit as they have a process that is unique. Until now, our focus has been on professionals in all sports however recently we have ventured into ADHD/Anti Social/Community Care and Military areas of interest. Working with Mind Fit will widen our audience and give organisations the opportunity to experience the power of this combined approach. ”

Do you want to know what we can do for your business?

Contact us on the numbers below if you would like more info or book a demonstration – and quote this article to take advantage of the launch offer.

Mind Fit – making common sense, common practice.


Editors Notes

Watch it in action here!

How NeuroTracker works
Awareness in 3D.On a 3D screen you will see 8 stationary yellow balls. 4 change to orange for a few seconds and then change back to yellow. Your task is to track the 4 (that were orange) as they then move and circulate in the 3D immersion for approx 15 seconds and then stop and are then numbered from 1 to 8. At the end you choose the 4 numbered balls you believe were orange and the result is then revealed. If correct the next test speeds up and if incorrect the speed slows down. This is repeated 20 times within one session and 15-20 sessions will establish a base line for the subject being tested.

At first you sit down to start the tests and as you move up the ranking you then perform the tests standing up and then, later on, introduce other skill variables to increase the rate of Neuroplasticity being created . At every level the balls can speed up or slow down so you find your optimum performance level.

Awareness in 3D.In its common form NeuroTracker comes with either a large (or medium sized) plasma 3D TV or head mounted display, dedicated PC plus software programmes, a “Kinect” motion detection system.

It’s aimed at organizations who will buy it as a training package. But if it comes to your organization, whatever your business sector, you will know that it will improve your performance in whatever you are doing.


Company Information
Sports Science Innovations Ltd is a leading distributor and installer of the latest, most technologically advanced sports training PageLines- Brain.jpgdevices. It is the UK and Ireland licensed distributor of NeuroTracker.

Mind Fit – develop ‘can do’ attitudes with ‘winning minds’. Mind Fit programmes focus on people and performance, so they can be the best they can be wherever they operate – school, business, sports, social or life.
Graham Williams, joint founder of Mind Fit, was part of a skydiving team and through that worked with performance coaches including David Hemery and Sir John Whitmore in the 1990’s.


Contact: –
Neville Gaunt CEO Mind Fit, 0207 148 6187
Tony Tracey MD SSI, 0800 599 9054

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