Mind Fit and the 4 Global Strengths – No4 Feedback

Mind Fit Global Strength no4 Feedback Adding ValueAny feedback has value.

Bold statement maybe, but whatever feedback you were given, by others or yourself, there is a value.

Awareness, Control, Focus , Feedback are the 4 Mind Fit Global Strengths.

They form a continual loop that will ensure you start to close your perception reality gaps and provide a solid foundation for growth.

Constructive criticism can be as valuable as complimentary feedback but it’s still your choice on what to do with it.

Ken Blanchard of “The One Minute Manager”  fame, said

Feedback is the Breakfast of Champions 

The following is such a powerful video on so many fronts. But look at it now with a mind to feedback – the consequences of continuing on without feeding back what’s happening around us can have considerable implications.


This is the last of the 4 global strengths and with these alone you will be able to improve your mind fitness and your performance – if you practice. You can close your perception reality gaps and improve your mind fitness in this manner in whatever you do. The best advice we can give is “Never be afraid of feedback”,  after all it’s up to you how you choice to use it!

The Mind Fit 4 Global Strengths – Awareness, Control, Focus and Feedback form the foundation of mind fitness.

To be the best you can be, knowledge is important too. But Mind Fit people eat knowledge for breakfast and then get on with it. Join us or want to know more?




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