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Is Good Customer Service Sustainable?

Good Customer Servive – awareness gets better results

I recently had lunch with the founder of global golf chain at his favourite lunch spot in London. What we need to understand is that when it comes to customer service he is right up there as he believes (knows) that customer service is the differentiator when it comes to hospitality and entertaining your guest.

You might ask – what has this to do with playing golf? He believes golf is an experience and the golfer is a customer, expecting to have the best experience – even when they’ve had a bad round of golf!

He started the golf chain started on those principles and once established it grew faster than anyone else in the industry.

We discussed what was good customer service and soon the conversation turned to the very restaurant where we were the customer. The place was packed full of diners, some 100+ covers and yet there was an aura of serenity. We saw a customer drop a knife to the floor to be instantly picked up and replaced – it was done with no fuss.

The waiting staff were attentive and despite there being assigned tables the staff covered what may have easily been long pauses when one’s own waiter was otherwise engaged.

We also remarked on the maitre d’ who walked the floor in an unassuming fashion, welcoming and thanking the guests he knew and also those he didn’t know. There were many regulars! Not surprising really.

It was clear that the maitre d’ was the boss. However we both commented on his high degree of awareness, his gestures to staff, most merely eye movements pointing to a table. He didn’t need to tell them the issue, just point them in the direction. He was always ready to calmly step in if needed.

How do you teach awareness?  

There are so many books, online courses, and a plethora of customer service workshops that you would think everything I’ve said above would be easy.

Well it is. However bizarre though the following video is, this is what could happen …


Of course it was a TV show done for entertainment and aimed to be funny but it’s a great way to learn – how not to do it that is!

Alternatively you can read all the advice like this from a well known business advice group:

Brilliant advice! So that’s it off you go….

Now did you notice the error? It said 4 tips and there were only 3!

How’s that for customer service?

How to do good customer service?

The simple answer is practice, practice and more practice. But of course you have to know what to practice – what’s good, and not so good and the further point of course is what is the context? A fast food restaurant will be different to fine dining, a golf reception different from a supermarket checkout, car and house purchase – or do you think they are the same?

Customer service is a ‘doing’ thing. The more you do the better you get at it.

Of course you still have to do it right and then get better! Otherwise you’re back in the video above!

Where do you start?

That’s simple – it starts with the right attitude and that’s about being Mind Fit 

We all know what good customer service is – but knowing isn’t doing. Does your team know the difference between the customer journey and the customer’s journey? Are they closing the gaps between them?

If you want to start doing better, raising your awareness as to what you currently do is good place to start. Then you have a choice – doing the right thing or continuing to know you should be doing something else.

Do you want to have a team known for good customer service?

As ever the choice is yours – so what is it?

If you want to know how you can improve customer service, or performance of your business in general then contact us at Mind Fit at 


Is Your Mind Fit for golf?

Is your mind fit for golf can simply mean: Who turns up to Play?

No PictureWhat we all know is that when we go and play or practise golf, me, as in “my body” is always there. But who turns up? Which brain or mindset have you brought with you?

Now that is a question you could ask wherever you go – business, school, university…life. If you go to networking for instance, are you mentally prepared? Do you really know why you are there? Have you a clear agenda? A focus, a purpose, expectations? A headache…?

Simple questions but have you ever taken time to think about them , let alone answer them?

What top golf professionals do?

We’ve seen even the top professionals, men and women, left and right handed… turn up for a tournament and they look the same, sound the same, practice the same… but they don’t perform the way we expect them to. Not surprisingly, if they have a bad round they’d completely agree with you!

Sometimes the top professionals have a bad experience and they can’t control themselves.

Sometimes they recover and as we’ve seen in some tournaments, sometimes it gets worse.

Bounce-back-ability (accredited to Iain Dowie)

So when you’re having a bad day, bad round or whatever is going wrong, when do you bounce back? The word bounce-back-ability or is it a phrase (?) is all about your ability to bounce back and move forwards and it can be quicker than you think. Sometimes when you’re mindset is ‘fitter’ you might not even notice much has happen – you get over it without a problem. But on other occasions it can dwell on your mind and stick in for longer. Emotions can run high or low and play havoc with your thoughts. We’ve all been there! The video shows an extreme…

Now imagine all that is in the past. What if you have a process of feedback and not emotionally attacking yourself, where you can flipflop from a really bad shot to bouncing back and having your best game ever. Would you want that process so you could go and practise it? Embrace it so it’s all yours, forever, and by repetition and experimenting it becomes natural every time you make play golf?

Mindset … if you think you can …

If you’ve managed to ignore every golf pundit and professional saying it’s about having the right mindset in the last 10 years, then perhaps it’s time to start listening. Or if you’ve heard them and sagely nodded but haven’t a clue what it means to you or how you get the right mindset, then things might be about to change.

Because who turns up is all about the person, not just the body but the mindset too. Truth is you are likely to know that already. But this time we’ve a proven way that’s guaranteed to work – as long as you put the focused effort in.

For Kids (young and old) we launched a small book to help all golfers improve and it’s a fun read with a purpose.

Mind Fit Golf For Kids is now out with an introductory offer hereScreen Shot 2015-07-28 at 12.28.30 pm

The game of golf is really quite simple, and can all be explained by the size of a dimple!

not just for kids but adults enjoy the read too, and it includes a parent’s guide.


Over 15 (fifteen) years in the making and a team effort to create it and publish it we’re now delighted to be launching at the London Golf Show 13th -15th November – not just a book but a handbook, your handbook and a guarantee of success.

Is Your Mind Fit For Golf?    Book Front Cover

The missing link to your success…

You can have a sneak preview with a free chapter available if you email us : Tony Westwood or Neville Gaunt at 

As ever you have a choice – the next step is up to you.

What others say…

“Being coached in the Mind Fit process has been the best decision I have ever made. My golf has improved significantly over the last two years”

 “The approach is refreshing, easy to understand and has given me the knowledge to improve my game – rather than simply becoming reliant on a coach to do it for me”

It’s a book about improving your game of golf.

But it’s also a book about improving you – your mindset.

Dr Gary Sharpe said “the book is life changing and I don’t play golf!”


Buy either or both books now 


See our Show Case page on Linkedin

Is Employee Engagement of Value to Your Organisation?

What are the benefits of employee engagement?

The following is abbreviated from the Chartered Institute of Personal Development (CIPD) and is as good as any in explaining the benefits to the employee and employer.(Note A)Talent-Management-Business-Master

1. Put simply, the right leadership and positive attitudes leads to engaged happier people and improved business performance
2. Engaged employees feel that they are ambassadors for the organisation
3. Poor leadership and negative attitudes leads to disengaged people and poor performance

That sounds easy so is there a problem?

According to Gallup’s 2013 Engagement Survey 83% of people in the UK are disengaged at work, passively or actively. So it would appear the answer is yes!

It also agrees with the research we do when working with clients, although experience tells us that engagement does vary widely from one sector to another.
When you think about it employees can also only go so far along the engagement route because no matter how engaged they want to be, they will eventually hit the buffers. And these buffers come in two forms:

  1. the business model and its supporting systems, and
  2. the management (leaders).

The more they hit the buffers, the more likely they become disengaged as there’s only so much that we can take.

The term business model used here includes all the processes and procedures, or as someone simply put it “the way things work around here” that affects our everyday working life.

It’s really not hard to see or hear when people are disengaged as you’ll hear people saying:

“we don’t do that here”
“we don’t have the time or budget to change”
“you can’t take your holiday we’re too busy”

And lots of the comments are likely to be prefaced with “can’t, won’t or don’t…” or some other negative term.

What’s the Disconnect?

Ask any good leader and the answers you’ll get will be a similar response to a survey by Accenture carried out in 2014:

• successful organisations are those that have spent time to engage the hearts and minds of all their people, and demonstrate positive beliefs, attitudes and behaviours to drive business results.
• many executives state the problems start with the difficulty of achieving a sustainable ‘mind shift’ at executive and operational levels within the organisation.

Behavioural Waste TM

Regularly we hear that it’s engaging the hearts and minds at all levels of the organisation chart that will make the difference. That is indeed true but it’s much bigger and deeper than we may think as whilst not the intended outcome, but following processes and procedures can easily create and develop systemic waste, where people just function. And when that’s added to where organisations ignore the people effect it creates more Behavioural Waste™.


The traditional business model like the following is where most organisations operate. On the face of it the model appears fine, however Mind Fit Traditional Business Modelit makes several assumptions like the fact that the employees are an engaged workforce, looking for added value, new value, innovation and where relevant are prepared to stand up and be a ‘whistle-blower’ if they have to.

The fact is that the assumptions don’t reflect reality. For whatever reason people conform and follow the “way things are done around here” without questioning it. Even if they do question it and then the boss says no, they just go back and conform and probably are discouraged to question it ever again.

Why isn’t it Reality?
Lots of reasons and I expect you have many you can add to these. It could include being scared of the consequences of speaking up, or not wanting to be seen as negative or rocking the boat so we are driven to just acknowledging that the current system can’t be improved upon other than by patching it up. If patching it up becomes a problem, most will then just sit back and let it fail.

So how do you make Your Business Fit Reality?

What’s needed are Reality-Based Leaders (R-BLs) that acknowledge and recognise the importance of the employee. Not just the specific employees, but all employees.Balance

These R-BLs will be adapting the traditional model to bring in the importance of people into the equation and as Warren Buffet alluded to it’s the difference between managers doing things right (according to systems and processes) and leaders doing the right thing (to meet the situation).

Whilst the Warren Buffet separation has its merits it does mean you must have some great leaders! Perhaps because we have such disengaged workforces we haven’t got enough great leaders or the right balance of leaders and managers?

Balance doing things right v doing right thingWe make no such differentiation as a business needs to have people at all levels doing things right whilst being allowed to challenge their world in doing the right thing. It’s the employees at the coal face that make these systems work, and they should be best placed to make them work better. Does it matter that they have the title of leaders or managers for the business to succeed and grow?

At the very least, your leaders need to be creating what we call the Mind Fit Convergent Point™ so the organisation is fit for purpose and through that process will be engaging their team on a regular basis.

The convergent point sits between two differing elements of an organisation. The first is the link that exists between the organisational purpose, systems and processes that form traditional business models. The second relates to people and their behaviour and what the business means to them.

An example would help and we are probably familiar with the NASA story of the janitor whose dedication was demonstrated in his low-status work when he explained that if he failed to do his job, astronauts could pick up an infection from a dirty surface and an expensive launch costing millions of dollars could fail (in other words, what might appear to be a menial task actually involved controlling systemic variables).Mind Fit R_BL Gap

It is leadership’s ability to connect and re-connect individuals with the organisation’s purpose and re-energise those individuals by appropriate timely reminders of the “personal meaning” of their role within the changing context, that answer the questions: why do you do this job?

This model shows the two different components and the Reality-Based Leaders role is to link the two halves together where they converge.

How do you know where you are?

You simply need to start gathering some evidence. If your answers to the questions below are positive and constructive then your organisation and its leaders are doing the right thing however, if they are not, then it’s a different story.

  • Why did you join your company? Was it because it sounded exciting and you believed you could help make a difference?
  • What happened to your initial enthusiasm? Was the reality different to what you thought it would be like?
  • How much of your time at work do you waste personally or doing activities that do not add value?

But only you will know whether you’ve an engaged workforce or can do better.

If you would like to have the White Paper on Reality-Based Leadership then click here or email us at

As ever you have a choice. What’s yours?




Note A: What the CIPD actually quoted:
1. Employers want engaged employees because, as well as being happier, healthier and more fulfilled, they deliver improved business performance. Research has repeatedly demonstrated a relationship between how people are managed, employee attitudes and business performance. There are nuances in the drivers and outcomes of employee engagement, but this basic link holds true across different sectors and job roles. Positive relationships are evidenced with profit, revenue growth, customer satisfaction, productivity, innovation, staff retention, efficiency and health and safety performance. A good summary of the performance link with employee engagement has been published by the UK government-sponsored Engage for Success movement.

2. Organisations also increasingly recognise the importance of their brand and reputation. Engaged employees will be stronger advocates of their organisations and help protect the employer from the reputational risks associated with poor service levels or product quality.

3. Conversely, having a disengaged workforce brings huge risks. As well as productivity losses, organisations may lose their best people and face huge difficulties when embedding organisational change if employees are not on board. Disengagement also threatens effective collaboration, innovation and human capital management, as employees will not be inclined to use their tacit knowledge and skills for the good of the organisation.


Are you ready for Coaching?

Ready for Coaching?

Not everyone is by the way – in fact most aren’t. If that surprises you, what follows may be a challenge.

The following is a common response from the more informed groups in the market :stagecoach

“At least for executive/ business (rather than sports) coaching there is a sense that it is maturing as a field, but elements of the Wild West remain”

There are regular reviews and research performed about the effectiveness of training and personal development, and on occasion that steps into the effectiveness of coaching.

A recent study on coaching was made by the Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM). Without putting any spin or bias I suggest if you’re interested you read it here.

I’d be pleased to have your comment on it below.

We at Mind Fit believe coaching is an excellent way of “unlocking potential” in your organisation.

However, few are really ready and if you’d like to know whether you or your organisation is ready, and the way you can be better placed to take advantage of coaching then download this document.

There’s a place for coaching – but are you ready for coaching?

Is Your Health Suffering? Does your Doctor help?

Customer is always right

An article in the British Medical Journal (BMJ May 2015) urged doctors to stop over–treating patients in ways that do not help and could even harm. It suggests some patients are given pills or have tests that they do not need but doctors feel under pressure to act. As the UK has just gone through a general election for the new government and the NHS has been a hot topic throughout the build-up to the vote, you can’t help thinking that the pressure on budgets might have something to do with the timing of the BMJ article. However, that aside, isn’t what they are ‘suggesting’ not just common sense? Get to know your patient better and then deal with the whole condition? A bit of future proofing?

Shouldn’t doctors be doing that anyway and aren’t they trained that way? The simple answer is No they probably haven’t been trained that way if the BMJ are now urging them to do it, perhaps like most training it’s assumed they know it and then do it. And despite it being common sense, the evidence from the BMJ suggests it’s not common practice either!   NHS Funding

“Rather than urging and suggesting – why not tell doctors to do it – it is after all, the right thing to do?”

Some, like the doctors in my surgery thankfully buck that trend, looking my overall health and not prescribing instant solutions for the problem (the effect) I tell them about. Thankfully in the 10 minutes allocated (oh yes that’s part of the problem too!) they get to the cause, well that’s what their aim is!

Know your customer?

What happens elsewhere? Isn’t what the BMJ suggesting just what every leader or business owner knows? That if we know the customer well we can satisfy their wants and needs and have a good long term relationship of mutual benefit?

Yet are doctors really to blame at all? Are they the victims of unrealistic patient pressure?

Doctors are undoubtedly part of the problem however, years of unrealistic beliefs and expectations by patients that the solutions to their illness can be found in a pill are driving this over-prescribing.

The Evidence

Go into any chemist and the shelves are stacked with pills and potions for every imaginary ailment. Many of us routinely carry pills in our pockets or handbags. We are subjected to advertising campaigns from the suppliers of those products that all you need to do to return to good health is to shove a chemically enhanced pill or potion into your system. We’re all bombarded by adverts about instant results (shiny objects) and wonder drugs…

“the best anti-aging cream that ….” “the instant cure for those with weight problems….”

Not too different than a CEO wanting an instant result in far too many ways! We think it’s easy by popping a pill, or rubbing in creams. Very few of us take real responsibility for our own health. We eat, drink and smoke too much and as the damage to our body builds – we get the wake up call and we turn to the doctor for a cure. Not enough of us take the initiative and exercise, eat well or properly, keep our weight down, drink responsibly, and don’t smoke. We live in an unrealistic bubble that ill health happens to other people and so what, there is always a cure! It’s on a shelf in the pharmacy or can easily be prescribed. We are indestructible!!! So when we have a health problem we turn up at the doctors and expect to come away with some pills. Problem solved. If the doctor was to suggest that we need to exercise, lose weight, stop smoking, eat healthily and definitely,” don’t smoke” we already know this so what happens? We may get annoyed and become difficult. Once we have got what we want we ignore all the good advise and carry on as before.


We already know in another article in May that anti-biotics are having a reduced effect. A £2 billion fund has been suggested to be created because the main pharmaceutical companies know there is little ROI on new drugs so they are not investing. So the problem is global! Individually we know that paracetamol may not work for “that” headache and want different, more powerful ones. We may form an opinion that the doctor does not know their job that well so we pressure on him or her to give us different pills (whilst keeping taking the ones we have already got, just in case). We become needy patients and doctors are now locked in a cycle of being an outlet for the pharmaceutical companies. And all that means is more pressure on limited NHS funds – when it’s gone, it’s gone! A&E

“Is it any wonder – A&E – Accident and Emergency has become Anything and Everything ?”


So what is a better way, which could reduce the cocktail of pills we take, some of which can have side-effects that are worse than the original problem? We need to take responsibility for our own health. Unless we do we may succumb to a life of over-indulgence leading to a pill solution that ultimately can lead to a poor quality of life and a state of helplessness where we are totally dependent on pills or worse. How do you do that? Take control? Well, it’s simple. Next time you go to see you doctor, take the lead and ask a simple question

“My dear Doctor, what non-pill options are available?”

Once the doctor has recovered from you asking the question you may be surprised at the options that are available to you that can ultimately lead to a healthier and better quality of life where pills are only prescribed when there is no alternative. So the choice is yours.   Or does your unrealistic attitude make you a victim of your own inactions. 

If you want to know how you can stop being the victim then contact us to find out how Mind Fit can help.

How to Make Your Start-up a Success

Making Your Start-up a Success

For the most part Mind Fit as a company works with larger organisations that have many employees, and work with teams focused on business growth and improving performance. The process starts (Mind Fit Foundation Programme) with changes that individual players make and then proceeds towards team performance and business goals.

But start-ups are no different as it’s all about people being the best they can be. So this article has a focus on start-up businesses, or as we would hope to encourage the preparation you need for considering a new business start-up.

History of start-ups

New businesses are starting up at an unprecedented rate and yet experience tells us that 80% or 4 out of every 5 will not succeed.

The excuse for failure when it happens is usually put down to a lack of cash – “we ran out of money” – is the cry. Of course it’s easy to blame one thing at the end when you ran out of your savings, the banks wouldn’t lend you any money or something else around the same thought.

But the reality is, running out of money was the consequence of a combination of other things and most of the time it’s the lack of planning and an understanding of what makes businesses tick and succeed that is the root cause.

So here’s what we would say are the important foundations that you need before you start your new business.

The 3 Keys to Start-up Success

  • Financial Acumen

  • Marketing Prowess

  • Mindset

Financial Acumen


It’s your start-up but any business, new or old requires a lot of financial thinking from you. You may have gone into business because you hadspecial knowledge in an area that has little to do with finance, but you must make sure you become adept at dealing with money. Even if you don’t start out with well-developed financial acumen, you need to be willing to learn and grow when it comes to understanding and executing financial matters.

When someone is said to have financial acumen, experience is the one thing that comes into play. You have to have some experience at dealing with data, tracking expenses and income, understanding sales revenues and KPIs. Any small business owner, has to gain experience in handling financial calculations so that you know how well your business is doing. It’s the same for a department manager, or divisional director, you always need to understand the financials. I have a saying

“don’t blame running out of cash – businesses and projects fail because the cause is always something else”

Expertise in financial matters can be expanded to how to invest, buy assets, reduce costs or expand your payroll. For anyone, me, you or your competitor, all of this knowledge comes with self-study and training. In other words, it must be something you consciously pursue.

But knowing about break even, cash flow, profit, discounts etc are only useful if you have a product or service that someone wants. So the 2nd Key is – Marketing Prowess – . This is something that’s much misunderstood as many see it as selling. In many respects if you master this is can overtake the importance of the 1st Key (it’s not heresy! Just being practical).

Marketing Prowess

Many businesses would have been better had they never started. Why? because it’s that same 80% of start-ups that fail. If you watch Dragon’s Den you’ll regular hear a dragon saying,

“You haven’t got a business, I’m out!”

But why is that when there are so many marketing books out there talking about the 5Ps and the 7Ps of marketing and telling you exactly how to do market research to see if you have a product or service that will sell. In other words whether you have a business or not.

Start-ups are no different from any other business and the simple facts are there are only 3 questions to you have to answer:

  1. Is there a problem ?
  2. Have you solution for it that you can differentiate from others ?
  3. Is there a market for your solution ?

It may sound surprising – but, just because you’ve a unique alternative to others already in the market doesn’t mean there is a market for yours.

Take an example of fixing a laptop or desktop computer – there is certainly a need to have great technicians fixing PCs, most high streets will have a shop offering the service. But market conditions where PCs are so cheap to replace and other cloud based options currently available just may make your repair offer redundant or or worse still in a declining market. i say worse still because you may join a declining market before you realise it!

This TedTalk by Amy Lockwood reinforces the simple point – know your customer

There’s a point when everyone laughs in the video, because it’s funny. But why are they laughing? It’s a key point so you may just want to think on that.

A lot more can be said about marketing but let’s look at the next and final key.

But just a note of interest before – none of the above can be taken in isolation. You get Financial Acumen by experience and doing something until you have that expertise. Likewise you get Marketing Prowess by understanding your market, your customers and clients and testing and practising until you master it. they will have an impact on each other. And the one that is always there bringing them together is the third and final key – Your Mindset.

Your Mindset

Notice it’s not just Mindset –

It’s Your Mindset

This is where the Henry Ford saying is so apt

If you think you can do something, or you think you can’t do something, you’re right.

If you think you can or you think you can't you're right

Whether a young person, a start-up, an employee, an owner or a director you will be successful if you are…

  • able to think flexibly and appropriately
  • emotionally competent and resilient
  • driven with a real sense of purpose
  • able to connect meaningfully with others

Having the right mindset or being Mind Fit will be underpinned by a sense of purpose and a passion that will drive you to get the Financial Acumen and Marketing Prowess you need to be successful. And if you need more, you’ll have the drive to go and get what you need.

Now you may be thinking

“I’ve not been trained to do it, where can I get the training?”

My answer to that is simple – what training do you want? Why not start practising something now and when you’re ready you’ll get the training you want. I also say

Business is a marathon not a sprint

not because you can’t get quick wins in business, but plan for the long term – having a plan really helps. But the reality is most people are not ready to progress, as they haven’t the right mindset to start with. But when you have it, you will eat knowledge for breakfast. Just a play on Ken Blanchard’s “feedback is the breakfast of champions”.

Lastly – what happens if your start-up fails?

Well, if you’ve taken the advice above it shouldn’t. But if it does ask the experts on this “A practical Guide to what happens when Businesses Fail” download 

Now the choice is yours.

So what key do you want to improve?

Financial Acumen, Marketing Prowess or Your Mindset

We’re happy to help you find out. It’s always a choice – and you can start today.

Want to know more about Mind Fit?

Call 02071 486187 or email us  

Are Your Employees Happy?


Happiness is one of many human emotions that appear to hit our headlines on a fairly regular basis and to make matters more complex it can mean differing things to different people. There are a myriad of definitions the workplace. Here is one from a book by Jessica Pryce-Jones titled Happiness at Work (2010)

“Happiness at work is a mindset which allows you to maximise performance and achieve your potential. You do this by being mindful of the highs and lows when working alone or with others.”

Are happy people higher performers and more productive and work?Waving the Checkered Flag

Warwick University published a paper in February 2014 on Happiness and Productivity in which individuals were made to feel happier that resulted in an increase in productivity of 12%. So happiness would appear to be a key component of productivity. However, being happy and more productive in a series of laboratory experiments is different from applying it in the real world.

Common sense suggests that we should pursue happiness at work if potentially it has such a positive outcome. But is it that simple?

What are the facts?

Work for the majority appears to be the opposite of a happy environment with 83% of UK workers (globally it’s worse at 87%) found to be disengaged (and therefore operating in a negative emotional state) according to Gallup’s 2013 survey on ‘Engagement at Work’. This suggests that having knowledge about what we should do does not transfer into what we actually do. Websites are full of advice in the form of the top 5, 7 or 10 things you need to do to become happy. But it clearly does not work that way – and once again it’s the context that is major influencer that’s being ignored.

Whilst some people do find happiness at work, others only experience it when with friends or family, in religion, or in nature. For many, they may only experience temporary pleasure or a sense of happiness when enjoying good food and wine, or when their team win or whilst watching a good film however, they may not truly be happy. For them being happy isn’t normal.

For those who are constantly happy, whose glass is nearly always half full know, the state of ‘being’ happy is consistent. It is their norm. These people are also in the minority.

Not consistently happy

So what about the majority of people who are not consistently happy? For them negative emotions such as frustration, anxiety, and a sense of being overwhelmed is their norm.

Dr Martin Seligman’s initial work looked at the realm of Learned Helplessness, a condition linked to depression. His research found that the condition was caused through a form of unconscious and automatic (implicit or natural) learning leading to people suffering a sense of helplessness or being out of control. If you keep telling yourself you can’t do things then you are right, you can’t and the consequences are self-destructive.

Now this can’t do attitude is a learned behaviour. Just think for a moment, how many babies do you know who are born helpless and out of control? Babies soon learn how to control their parents and the impact a smile brings. Neither are they born cynical, angry or miserable. These states are learnt implicitly together with many more negative ones that develop as we go through life and form our attitude and drive our behaviours.

Good News

However, the good news is that because the condition is learnt, albeit mostly at an unconscious level, you can learn to do the opposite through practice and perseverance.

Seligman’s many books take us along a journey of discovery from Learned Helplessness (1993) to Learned Optimism (1998) through to Authentic Happiness (2002). You are introduced to the idea that with greater awareness of what you think, what you believe and do will turn a negative journey into a positive one, with practice. It’s not just any old practice, it needs to be focused practice. What is that? Again it all depends upon the context – your context.

On this journey of discovery you may also come across the ancient Buddhist practice referred to as Mindfulness, which means the ability to pay attention in the moment, in a non-judgemental way, through meditation. The NHS, to help people who are suffering from depression and anxiety, is using Mindfulness techniques to increase mental well-being. Happiness takes this to the next level.

Our view is that it is all very well seeking a state of happiness however; the reality at work for the majority is that this is not the case. People are under increasing pressure in a fast moving and constantly changing environment that needs people who are emotional competent and resilient. Sports people refer to this as mental toughness.

Becoming better at what is often referred too as Emotional Intelligence is also only part of the solution, particularly in the workplace.

At Mind Fit we adopt a ‘whole brain’ approach, which takes us beyond controlling one or more emotional states. We engage the core thinking parts of the brain; we help people discover what drives them and how to increase their social intelligence. We create an environment that develops Mind Fit (Can Do) people who use their whole brain and not just one facet of it.

Imagine if you were to develop your whole brain so that you were in control in different situations. Some of the features of using your brain positively are:Mind Fit Attitude

  • Thinking brain – pragmatic, flexible, innovative and relevant
  • Feeling brain – emotionally competent and resilient
  • Driving brain – having a clear purpose and meaning
  • Social brain – ability to connect meaningfully with others

Organisational Purpose

What would this learnt ability mean if it were also linked to your organisational purpose? If you are in personal control and applied it to your business you would definitely become a better performer and more productive. You would identify those personal, cultural and systemic behaviours that waste time, effort and money. You would deliver and add real value to your organisation.

One of the outcomes is a much happier, more confidant and capable person able to perform under pressure without the luxury of meditation before hand or a focus on their own needs rather than the collective.

The Pursuit of Happiness

The pursuit of happiness at work is clearly an honourable one albeit in a tough and highly competitive world we would suggest it’s not very practical.

A much faster proven route is to adopt a whole brain approach linked to the organisational purpose that provides personal meaning. A driven person who is highly aware, in personal control and focused on what is important in any moment of time is a high performer and very productive and a valuable asset to their organisation.

If you were to look at a high performer would they fit that definition?

People, who are inspired, engaged and have some level of empowerment deliver and add value to organisations and they also feel valued. Their positive and productive actions lead to confidence, growth and happiness that are grounded in the real world.

They clearly think they can.

Now it’s over to you. As Henry Ford saidCreating and Performance attitude and culture

“If you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right!”

Do you have a can do, Mind Fit organisation?

Do you want one?

Contact us to find out more?


Useful Links

Gallup Poll  Learned Helplessness  Martin Seligman


What Stops Us Acting and Engaging with Renewable Energy?

What do we know about Renewable Energy?

Oil & Gas - nor renewable energyAsk anyone today and they will have an understanding of the impact on society and our reliance on fossil fuels for our energy needs.

We also know the carbon dioxide released from burning fossil fuels is having an effect on the climate and is leading to global warming. And we’ll know it has consequences now, and for future generations.

Or maybe you think this is hype to get everybody to buy into renewables because government with business is using big stick techniques to bully us. Why would they do that? Because that’s what they always do. And because even if they thought about it, they don’t know how to engage with their own managers, leaders or implementers.

But then the question is so what? Is it all about fossil fuels? Do we really believe what we’re told? What can Mr and Mrs Public do about it?

In reality, apart from lobbying, driving the car less and recycling or moving to ‘green ‘ energy providers we can do very little. Like all things Global, it’s down to Governments to act.

Without going into the failures of the past, the UK government now has a legally binding target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by 2050.


Meeting the Targets – does money talk?

To meet this target it has introduced various financial incentives for homes and businesses to switch to renewable energy technologies, thereby reducing carbon emissions. These incentives take the form of the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) and the Feed in Tariff (FIT).

Sun power

Solar power is a clear winner in the switch to renewables because the price of installation has fallen substantially over the last decade.  More and more households in the UK are installing solar panels and enjoying the benefits of lower energy bills. In fact it is believed that 10 million homes in the UK will have solar panels by 2020.

The added financial motivator to switch is the fear generated as we’re open to the big energy companies raising prices as recent history has clearly shown.

By switching to these new energy sources, consumers are given more control over their future, less exposed to cost fluctuations and save money on today’s ‘lower’ prices. What more can you want?

Of course at the moment we’re also living in a dream world of 50% lower oil prices than a year ago and we’ve seen about a 33% reduction in petrol and diesel prices. And today that affects us immediately with more money left in our pocket. So we know the value of money. But if it were money as the only drive, wouldn’t we have all switched to renewables by now?

What’s the reality?Awareness

In the last few years £millions has been spent on an awareness campaign focused on consumer choice and the opportunity we all have to switch energy provider and reduce household energy costs.  How many households have switched to a cheaper provider? In reality very few.

What does Google Say?

Why Google? Because it’s where we seem to think the authority is on everything. It’s on a website, in print so it must be true – really? Many people ‘google it’ and find 1 article on the first page of 200 million hits and believe what we read – perhaps because we don’t have enough time to do much else – we’re all  too busy.

The two scientists responsible for Google’s failed attempt to launch a renewable energy revolution have written an article explaining what, according to them, went wrong with their project. They have come to the conclusion that fighting climate change with today’s renewable energy technologies won’t work – but they present no evidence for it, writes Energy Post editor Karel Beckman.

Critics of renewable energy are having a field day in the blogosphere. It has now been proven beyond doubt, they cry, that “renewables simply won’t work”. Why not? Well, because Google says so. Read the full article here – Why Google gave up on renewables (hint, they don’t understand energy)


Breaking the myths… reality check again!

People need to understand how renewable energy can be beneficial to their wallet, and to the environment. By teaching and sharing knowledge about the current developments on this area people will start learning the truth behind these technologies, and will stop using myths like “solar energy doesn’t work during winter” or “Wind turbines kill birds”.


Facts from the Bigger Picture – Sustainability  

In the recent Accenture and UN Global Compact survey 93% of CEOs view sustainability as important for the future success of their business.

Although many organisations have built their strategic approach to sustainability, they are struggling to achieve full management and employee engagement in the agenda. They are therefore yet to see the results – if they ever will.

Research proves that the successful organisations are those who engage the hearts and minds of their people, and who demonstrate positive beliefs, attitudes and behaviours to drive business results. These organisations are also more innovative and take advantage of opportunities – in effect they are the early adopters, winning all the way!

They also acknowledged early on, that implementing a successful sustainability strategy requires achieving a mind shift – maybe a paradigm shift – at an executive and operational level within the organisation. Developing positive leadership and ‘Can do’ attitudes helps organisations achieve outstanding results and outperform their competitors.


Engaging Hearts and Minds

There’s lots written and known about the value of an engaged workforce. But if it were common place the results would be much better – Gallup’s 2013 survey shows similar engagement levels to previous years and at 17% of the workforce it’s nothing to be proud of. Imagine what a 1% increase would mean?  That’s 1/17th increase or 6% improvement overall – is that worth looking at?

With our experience and results we’d agree with Accenture’s findings – because it’s great leaders that get great results as they find the solution to engage each individual in their team.

Great leaders have the right mindset, and as Warren Bennis said

Balance “Managers are people who do things right and leaders are people who do the right thing. Both roles are crucial, and they differ profoundly.”

But today we seem to have too many managers and too few leaders. So the balance is way out! We need both and effectively applied to every context so we get the best answer.

Who are your great leaders? History proves that developing great leaders is not easy.

But leaders aren’t just born, as many still believe, leaders are made. So how do you make them? Again all the evidence and research shows training and coaching, the traditional approaches don’t work – only 10% might be converted into workplace improvement.

What about an alternative?

The recent “Good to Great” by McKinsey report referred to case studies and rigorous academic research that shows if you want to create and spread excellence, eliminating the negative is the first order of business. How you do that? The McKinsey study leaves it to you to fathom out.

Behavioural Waste TM



At Mind Fit we identify negative activities through the term Behavioural WasteTM and the experience of being trapped or ignoring gaps between beliefs and reality generates much of that. Our process further raises your awareness and that of your business about how your attitudes and behaviours and that of your people, impact on everyone’s ability to perform to their optimum, lead and engage, work in teams, and ultimately improve performance.

We do not assume that we know your issues and thatwe have the solutions that you need before we start to work with your organization. We work in partnership with our clients’ so that the input activities that you choose to change are relevant to you and your business.

So what next?

The choices are all yours:Business Change - are you fit for the 21st Century

  • You can continue on your own path and engage in renewables
  • Use traditional training and coaching methods to improve your engagement
  • Free yourself, your people and your business from those blocking behaviours and outperform your expectations enhance and expand renewables

If you choose to reduce the negative attitudes and behaviours blocking your success, then we’d be pleased to have a discussion to see how we can help.

But whatever you do to take advantage of renewable energy, make it your conscious choice.


Mind Fit people take action, achieve higher performance, are more productive and where relevant, more profitable

Is the Game of Golf Thriving?

The Game of Golf  should be First Choice shouldn’t it?


The Game of Golf is competing like never before on many levels

  • Mentally – golf is a challenging mental sport – mindset is important
  • Physically – even practising on the range is healthy exercise – living longer
  • Socially – the clubhouse scene has all ages, diversity and business opportunity

For  the young and old alike these ‘benefits’ are talked about everywhere so you would think it’s now for many, common sense to take up the game of golf.

Shouldn’t every golf course owner, PGA coach and the PGA be shouting about the virtues of golf at every opportunity?

Let’s deal with that later.

In the mean time it’s said that

The mind is the most formidable opponent a golfer confronts, so mastering the game of mental golf is essential.

The most valuable mental and social skills can be developed on the driving range and the golf course. For example if you have trouble concentrating you can turn that perceived weakness around by taking up the game of golf. Golfers have to learn how to focus on the shot they have coming up and concentrate on choosing the right club, assessing the conditions and then on the fundamentals of their swing. If you think of all the other ‘soft’ skills including confidence, self-esteem, courage, self-discipline… and many more, golf has in abundance.


In the full article we explore all the benefits in more detail and the reality check of what’s actually happening – because golf is at risk from lots of competition not least with the choices young people have in today’s arena.  It’s challenging everyone’s mindset as playing golf is a commitment to time and becomes one choice of many options.

To read the rest of the article download it here

or read on Linkedin  



Mindfulness v Mind Fitness – Same, Similar or Different

Mindfulness v Mind Fitness

We’re often asked the question

What’s the real difference between Mindfulness and Mind Fitness?

so we thought it would be best to make things clear.


“Mindfulness and Mind Fitness  – Same, Similar or Different – by Graham Williams”




Mindfulness is a form of meditation that was little known in the West until recently. According to Buddhist thought, individuals have a tendency to ruminate about the past and/or rush towards an ungraspable future, which never materialises. It is a 2500-year-old Buddhist meditation practice that according to the Dalai Lama asserts that this behavioural tendency of ‘not being fully present’ can distort an individual’s perception of reality and lessen their ability to consciously participate in the moment.

In the West Mindfulness has been taken out of its traditional Buddhist setting and is now linked with many negative personal conditions including anxiety, depression, behavioural addictions, attention deficit hyperactivity and coronary heart disease. It is also seen as an essential element of human well-being.


What is Mindfulness and its methods?

Definitions – Mindfulness means knowing directly what is going on inside and outside our selves, moment by moment. Prof. Mark Williams

Mindfulness is paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment and non-judgementally. Kabat-Zinn

The primary focus in Mindfulness is meditation which involves breathing control. Its primary goal is a calm, non-judging awareness, allowing thoughts and feelings to come and go without getting caught up in them. This creates calmness and acceptance, and a sense of well-being.

In the West, Mindfulness is the process of engaging full, direct and active awareness of our immediate experiences and to maintain them in a sense of calm. Its use as a cognitive based therapy is growing and is now advocated by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) in the UK and the American Psychiatric Association (APA) for the treatment of recurrent depression.

Methods of developing personal Mindfulness are varied and include 8 weekly sessions each of 90 – 180 minute duration where participants are taken through guided Mindfulness exercises, as well as one-to-one discussion based therapy. Mindfulness:

  • Is fundamentally concerned with becoming more aware of the present
  • Can be practices during everyday activities
  • Is generated more easily by a ‘meditative anchor’
  • Is a practice that requires deliberate effort to sustain meditative concentration
  • Is concerned with observing sensory and cognitive affective processes
  • Generates a sense of well-being


Mind Fitness



It originated out of concern for the poor transfer of management and other training into behavioural change and tangible results in organisations. Although there is a significant evidence to show that learning rarely leads to people taking action over a sustained period of time, knowledge training remains at the forefront of people development in areas that include leadership, team working, personal development and change. Even Donald Kirkpatrick, whose evaluation of training methods that have been around since 1959, acknowledged in a book he wrote in 2005 “there is a devastating disconnect between learning and behavioural change”.


A new approach was needed that focused attention on developing the right attitude and behaviours, linked to performance to deliver organisational imperatives, rather than knowledge and learning. This new method adopted a holistic approach including some that are used by Olympic athletes today that produce people with a winning mind who persistently put in focused effort to succeed despite the odds, even after repeated knockbacks.


What is Mind Fitness and its methods?

Definition – Mind Fitness is choosing to use our natural abilities to perform to our optimum in different situations; through a ‘Can Do’ attitude and a ‘winning mind’. Graham Williams

The purpose of Mind Fitness is to develop active ‘Can Do’ people who deliver results for their organisation as well as themself. It uses a whole brain approach and includes the:

Mind Fit Ltd - Developing 'can do' people.

  • Thinking brain – the ability think pragmatically, flexibly, innovatively and focus appropriately
  • Feeling brain – having positive energy, being emotionally competent and mentally tough
  • Driving brain – committed with a clear sense of purpose
  • Social brain – able to connect, build and maintain meaningful relationships with others


The process, the core of which takes place in one day, is designed to raise a persons awareness of them selves enabling them to assess their own attitudes and behaviours and the impact they have in different context. Today, this self-assessment is aided by the use of a mobile APP. It is an inside-out process rather than knowledge in and is driven by the participants and not the Mind Fit coach.  We use a variety of methods to achieve attitude and behavioural change that include use of the Mind Fit Map®, stories, thought provoking activities, low level physical activities and exploring behaviours and their source. Once the behaviours have changed a second day is added about a month later, that is aimed at providing practical tools, which a person can use at work, linked to organisational needs, or as a life skill.


Can Do people consistently operate effectively in a highly demanding and unpredictable work environment, to perform to their optimum and deliver results. They also know how to manage their energy levels so that they can relax when necessary or peak in different areas when required which is why our Mind Fit team includes people from both business and sport.


Same, Similar or Different

Are Mindfulness and Mind Fitness the same?

As you have discovered from above the answer is definitely ‘no’. Are they similar? Yes when it comes to focused attention and being in the moment however, that is where the similarity ends.


They are in fact very different. Mindfulness is very much about the individual and is used to develop well-being as well as treating some physical and emotional issues. Mind Fitness is about people having the right attitudes and behaviours to perform to their optimum in their context. This requires focus attention and energy. Today, we are not only using it to improve organisational performance but also in the world of education.


Both approaches have their place in today’s complex and highly demanding world and both are essential however, they mainly operate in different environments

  • Mindfulness being driven by the need for calm
  • Mind Fitness providing the energy to deliver organisational results.


As always, the choice is yours.


Want to know how Mind Fit can help your organisation?

Call us on +44 (0)2071 486187 or email 



  • Buddhism – Dalai Lama – 2001
  • Mindfulness: Finding peace in a frantic world – Danny Penman, Mark Williams & Vidyamal Burch – 2011
  • Mindfulness for well being – NHS choices – 2014
  • Mindfulness in psychology – a breadth of fresh air – Edo Shonin, William Van Gordon & Mark D Griffith – 2014 (The Psychologist – vol. 28 no 1, 2015)
  • Mind Fit for Success – Graham Williams 2012
  • Personal Power – Graham Williams 2010
  • Transferring learning to behaviour – Donald L Kirkpatrick & James D Kirkpatrick – 2005