How do you Stop Bullying in the Workplace?

How do you stop Bullying in the Workplace? Bullying is stubbornly still prevalent in the workplace and business life. Although organisations know how damaging it is, many employ policies and procedures that are fair, right and logical but those approaches are clearly not working. Why not stop...

How does mental toughness help?

 Mental toughness is back! The phrase is once again hitting the headlines in the world of leadership, performance and development whether in sport or business. It is a term used by many people to refer to the attributes that enable people to perform under pressure in different...

Selling is WIIFM. Is SME Networking WIIFU?

Experienced salespeople will often joke, “Everyone’s favourite radio station is WII-FM.” They’re of course referring to the acronym WIIFM ‘What’s In It For Me?’ Something we learn from an early age to think about even if we don’t say it. Every prospect you approach will consider your pitch...